Friday, April 19, 2013

Top 10 People Who Were Buried Alive

Virginia Macdonald died in 1851 after she had been ill for a long time. After she was buried, her mother was sure of the fact that Virginia was not dead. Unfortunately, when the coffin was taken out, it was found that the poor girl’s hands were bitten and the body showed other traces of having been buried alive.

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Madame Blunden was declared dead in 1896 and was buried under a school. The coffin was opened up after complaints from children about noises and those who were around managed to watch her take her last breath.
In 1886, New York Times carried an article about a young girl named Collins who died suddenly and was then buried. When her body was being shifted, it was discovered that her knees were pulled till her chin, her arm was turned in an unnatural manner and her face was twisted in such a manner that it was obvious she had been through dreadful torture.
The Daily Telegraph carried an article in 1889 about a man who had been buried in Grenoble. Because he stayed intoxicated for 20 hours, it was assumed that he was dead. However, when the sexton was placing the thick coffin in the grave, he heard loud moans and frantic knocks. By the time he opened it up, the man had died and his head was badly mutilated.
The Sunday Times carried an article in 1838 about a man in Tonneins who was buried alive. When the coffin was being lowered into the Earth, the grave-digger heard loud noises and sure enough, the man had been declared dead prematurely.
 The British Medical Journal carried a piece in 1877 about a woman who was buried because she was thought to be dead when in fact; she was in some sort of a trance. When the grave was opened a few days later in order to place another body in, the woman’s body was found to be mutilated.

 Miss Hockwalt belonged to the elite section of the society in Dayton during 1884. She was thought to be dead after being found on a chair, looking lifeless and ‘dead’. She was then buried. The grave was opened up later and the lady’s hair had been torn out and her skin was bitten.
 Mary Norah Best was seventeen years old when she was declared dead in 1871. It has been believed that many people would have benefited from her death which is why she was buried. In 1881, it was found that Mary’s skeleton was ‘sitting up’ and the undertaker realized that the poor girl had woken up and managed to break open the casket.
 In 1901, Madame Bobin supposedly contracted yellow fever and was pregnant at the time. After she was buried, a nurse said that the body was quite warm and that the muscles were not rigid. The coffin was opened up and found that she had given birth to her baby in the coffin who had also suffocated to death.
 The New York Times article carried an article on a man from Asheville who was declared dead after being sick for several months. When the coffin was being moved, it was opened up and much to the horror of the man’s relatives, his hair was pulled out.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Princess Juliana Internation Airport

Princess Juliana International Airport in the Dutch part of the island of Saint Martin. It is the second busiest airport in the Eastern Caribbean. The airport is famous for its short landing strip — only 2,180 metres/7,152 ft, which is barely enough for heavy jets. Because of this, the planes approach the island flying extremely low, right over Maho Beach. Countless photos of large jets flying at 10–20 m/30-60 ft over relaxing tourists at the beach have been dismissed as fakes many times, but arenevertheless real. For this reason as well it has become a favourite for planespotters. Despite the difficulties in approach, there has been no records of major aviation incidents at the airport.